About Osteopathy
Osteopathy is a manual medicine which provides treatments specifically tailored to each individual. It's likely that no two patients will have exactly the same treatment.
The techniques employed in osteopathic treatment are varied, from soft tissue massage to joint articulation and mobilization. Rather than working on muscles or joints in isolation osteopaths work on all components of the musculo-skeletal system together.
Osteopathy is often compared to physiotherapy and chiropractic, while all three do share some similar techniques there are many fundamental differences.
Physiotherapist tend to treat locally to the problem that you came in with. Osteopaths on the other hand will treat the specific area which has the issue and in surrounding area for anything that may be influencing the symptomatic area.
Chiropractic is based on the concept that health is only maintained when the spine is in prefect alignment. Osteopathy however, seeks to find what is ideal and normal for each person.